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Scrap Metal Shredder – A perfect tool for scrap metal recycling

A scrap metal shredder is a machine that shreds huge amounts of metal trash into smaller, more densely packed pieces. Metal shredding is essential to recycle and reuse it. Such tiny pieces must be free of dust, corrosion, and colored substances. The scrap metal is shredded into little bits using specifically designed equipment called Hammers, which have a high torque and assist to impact the scrap metal. 

From pounding to shredding, these carefully developed alloy steel hammers turn waste metal into sheave-sized recyclable goods. Read the blog to learn about a shredding machine and the benefits of metal shredders.

What is Metal Shredding?

Metal shredding is breaking down big chunks of metal into smaller ones. The shredded metals are easier to transport and process for recycling. Also, the waste scrap is recycled and reused to make new products. Metal shredding helps conserve resources and is an important procedure for multiple reasons.

The first, and possibly most essential, is the reduction of large metal products to smaller bits, which improves the efficiency of sorting, classifying, and eventually recycling the metal. By reducing bigger chunks to more manageable shards, the metal becomes easier to handle and lowers the total environmental effect of the recycling process. Also, shredded metal is better suited to melting, a critical stage in the recycling process that converts metal into new, recyclable items.

How Does a Scrap Metal Shredder Machine Work?

Metal shredder machines are used to reduce scrap metal to manageable, transportable bits. They range in size from small machines capable of shredding tin cans and coins to large ones capable of shredding up to 4,000 tonnes of metal per day with 10,000 horsepower. These bigger machines shred goods like autos used in the end-of-life vehicle recycling process, bulk drums, and almost any other type of scrap metal.

Scrap Metal Shredder machines can have a variety of cutting systems, such as horizontal or vertical shafts, single, double, or even three or four-shaft cutting systems. Shafts can be made with different blade types, which often include claws of various thicknesses depending on the material to be shredded. 

Along with the number of shafts, shredders can be high, medium, or slow-speed systems. Shredders used in scrap metal recycling are slow-speed, high-torque machines that can chew through large chunks of metal.

On an industrial scale, massive pieces of scrap metal, such as smashed old vehicles, are fed into the shredder and routed down the feeder pipe to the shredding area, where heavy-duty hammers spin and shred the metal. Magnets are used to divide the shredded material into ferrous and non-ferrous materials before it is transported down conveyor belts and finally spat out on the other side of the machine into two different piles for further sorting.

What are the benefits of scrap metal shredders?

Here are the benefits of metal shredder machines:

Shredding machines help with recycling

Scrap metal shredders facilitate the reuse of metals. When scrap metals are shredded in metal shredders, they produce fresh, pure metal that may be used in a variety of applications. The resulting little metal fragments may be heated until they become molten. The molten material can be transformed into other useful and new pieces.

You won’t have to worry about disposing of the metal or buying fresh metal to make additional things. As a result, participants in the recycling sector view metal shredding technology as an essential component of their operations.

They help in environmental conservation

Another advantage of employing scrap metal shredders is that it reduces the environmental impact of scrap metal. As previously stated, the metal shredded by a metal shredder machine may be reused or repurposed. This ensures it won’t wind up in sensitive areas or water supplies. In response, employing waste metal shredders removes the metals’ negative impacts on groundwater, soil, and landscapes. It also reduces air pollution and ecological risks.

They help to isolate the shattered scrap metal.

A typical scrap metal shredder machine separates the wrecked metal into ferrous and non-ferrous components. Using a machine simplifies the process of reusing metal. It also makes things safer.

They’re economical

Using this equipment is extremely cost-effective. These devices provide a more cost-effective way to process scrap garbage. There are no chemicals used in this technique. All you need is a reliable scrap metal shredding machine.

At Mask Hydraulic Machineries, we deliver scrap metal collecting and processing products & a variety of different types of baling machines. Learn more about our scrap metal shredder machines. 

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